cook IN balance

cook IN balance


| Role |

Graphic Design, illustration, concept

| Client |

Cook in balance

| Description |

Cook in Balance is a blog dedicated to Mediterranean-style cooking. The focus is on creating balanced and healthy meals that showcase the fresh and vibrant flavors of the Mediterranean cuisine. Through the blog, readers can explore a variety of recipes and cooking techniques to achieve a healthy and flavorful lifestyle.

| Concept |

The concept behind Cook in Balance is a playful representation of a cook, balancing the demands of a busy schedule with a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. The design features cooking utensils arranged to create the image of a cook, communicating the brand’s mission to provide accessible and practical cooking solutions. The hand-drawn typography adds to the overall aesthetic, conveying the handmade aspect of cooking and emphasizing the brand’s focus on creating balanced and healthy meals.

| Design work produced |

– Logo design
– Business card design
– Social media identity design
– Apparel design

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