| Agency |

Sketchbox Design Studio

| Role |

Graphic Design, logo design, concept

| Description |

Gozo – Dine & Dance

| Client |

Gozo is a restaurant and club located in Fourka, Chalkidiki in the north of Greece. The venue used to be a traditional storage space formerly known as “Apothiki” and is situated on the beach. The building still retains much of its original architecture and has been furnished with reclaimed wooden tables and furniture and functions as a place were you can both “dine & dance”.

| Concept |

The logo concept for Gozo is purely typography-based and utilizes a condensed and thin sans serif font. The tagline “dine and dance” was inspired by the phrase “dine and dash,” with the aliteration of the double Ds adding a poetic touch.

The overall concept of the Gozo visual identity is reflected throughout the branding. From the menu designs to the choice of paper, every aspect has been carefully considered to reflect the modern approach of the venue. The aim is to combine reclaimed and reused wood with modern elements to create a truly creative space.

| Design work produced |

– Logo design
– Business card design
– Social media identity design
– Apparel design
– Menu design
– Wine list design
– Outdoor | Indoor signage
– Booklet design
– Banner design
– Coaster design

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